A new Paradigm for the Rise of Islam
Islam rose in a region with a strong Christian and Jewish presence, but tried to depict Christians later as "heathens"
An Introduction to Chronology Criticism
Brief summary of our current knowledge: our present-day chronology is based on a reconstruction of history after catastrophes that interrupted tradition.
Monaldi & Sorti: The Mystery of Time
Review of a novel by Monaldi & Sorti: Mysterium In Addendum II to “Hardouin – Settling Accounts”, following Rainer Scmidt’s hint, I have already referred to the book “Mysterium” by Monaldi & Sorti,…
The Heritage of the Giants
The first book by Uwe Topper Das Erbe der Giganten (The Heritage of the Giants) published 1977 by Walter Verlag, Olten/Switzerland 1 The first book by Uwe Topper A book that was written…
Yoshua – When the Sun Stood Still
When the Sun Stood Still (The Joshua miracle) Uwe Topper, Berlin · 20 21 Short version of the research presented in my book “Jahrkreuz” (2016) Civilized man’s memory is amazing, but drawing conclusions…
When did Dante live?
Concerning the Date of Dante Concerning the life dates of Dante this is our fourth article, we have already three articlesto this theme in the library: The basic article is from 2007: *Dante…
Dante’s life dates
Correcting the chronological situation of Italian poet Dante Abstract Italian Renaissance dates and Central European ones are not compatible. The Italian dates should be augmented by 150 to 200 years in order to…
Leo Wiener, a pioneer halfway through
This book of the fairly known american historian about forgeries of Greek and Latin texts of late antiquity – though easily matching our history revision – has not been mentioned so far by…
Priests or Priestesses? Neither!
Anyone who – like many authors today – consistently speaks of “priests” whose task it was to calculate the calendar, is doubly wrong. Firstly, in the beginning those were mostly women, and secondly,…
Dr. Hermann Detering has died
Obituary on Dr. Hermann Detering The theologian Hermann Detering, brave skeptic and denier of the historicity of Jesus (in this sense successor to Bruno Bauer and Arthur Drews), pastor in Berlin and painter,…