An Introduction to Chronology Criticism
Brief summary of our current knowledge: our present-day chronology is based on a reconstruction of history after catastrophes that interrupted tradition.
Monaldi & Sorti: The Mystery of Time
Review of a novel by Monaldi & Sorti: Mysterium In Addendum II to “Hardouin – Settling Accounts”, following Rainer Scmidt’s hint, I have already referred to the book “Mysterium” by Monaldi & Sorti,…
Yoshua – When the Sun Stood Still
When the Sun Stood Still (The Joshua miracle) Uwe Topper, Berlin · 20 21 Short version of the research presented in my book “Jahrkreuz” (2016) Civilized man’s memory is amazing, but drawing conclusions…
Leo Wiener, a pioneer halfway through
This book of the fairly known american historian about forgeries of Greek and Latin texts of late antiquity – though easily matching our history revision – has not been mentioned so far by…
Fakes in Anatolia
James Stuart Mellaart and the Prehistory of Anatolia James Mellaart was still a young man when he came to Turkey and there married a Turkish lady. His main occupation was archaeology. Around the…
Kammeier and the false Middle Ages
Wilhelm Kammeier, born on October 3, 1889, began his work on historical criticism in 1923. But in 1926 the manuscript, “The universal falsification of history”, could not find a publisher.
The Beowulf Epic is a Fake!
The Beowulf is an old english manuscript, conserved in England and supposed to date back to the 8th century. But now it has been discovert as fake.
The Great Action
Manuscript August 1999 Uwe Topper DIE „GROSSE AKTION“ Grabert (publisher), Tübingen 1998 Paperback, 286 pp. , 23 fotos and many drawings. DM 32.- ISBN 3-87847-172-6 Download the full German text in PDF: DIE…