Modern Times
Labyrinths – Ritual to Overcome Trepidation
Inspired by a book by Hermann Kern 1. Trepidation By “trepidation” ancient astronomers understood a strange variation in the precession-cycle of the Earth, which at certain moments could unexpectedly increase and decrease. Greek…
Good-bye to Chris Marx
Uwe Topper and colleagues, Berlin · June 2016 Christoph Marx on February 26th, 2007 in Berlin (Foto U.Topper) Christoph Marx died on May 18th, 2016, peacefully in his home in Basel at the…
Chronology criticism has reached France
In a speach delivered in 2005, in Potsdam, I deplored that our criticism of Historiography had not then received recognition in Western countries, despite all our efforts by way of letters and lectures…
We always see our history filtered through the 19th century
This claim should be analysed closely: WE – that is us who are born after, are separated from the Renaissance or Napoleon by many generations, having no real experience of those events. We…
Revival of an ancient Maya calendar
Our previous article “History through the filter of the 19th century”, explains how certain peoples today concoct the history of their ancestors, supported by European academia: they remain ignorant of their real tradition,…
Swift and the Martian Moons
How did Jonathan Swift get knowledge of the two tiny moons some 150 years before they were discovered by the means of a telescope? Berlin · 2007 Uwe Topper The two minute moons…
Lacunza and his influence
Catastrophism Theory around 1800 AD Lacunza was right in his lifetime a famous and suspected author, after his death in 1801 he slowly faded into oblivion and nowadays he is rather unknown. Some…
The Great Action
Manuscript August 1999 Uwe Topper DIE „GROSSE AKTION“ Grabert (publisher), Tübingen 1998 Paperback, 286 pp. , 23 fotos and many drawings. DM 32.- ISBN 3-87847-172-6 Download the full German text in PDF: DIE…