Juxtaposition of the theses of Topper and Heinsohn
Heinsohn’s archaeological-stratigraphical and Topper’s astronomical-chronological theory of time falsification of the history of the 1st millennium after Christ – a comparison of standards, results and open questions, by Peter Winzeler. Preliminary note by…
Gunnar Heinsohn’s new thesis in contrast to Uwe Topper’s
In November 2013, Gunnar Heinsohn presented his new thesis in English: “The Creation of the First Milllennium”. Since then, the discussion has flared up. Heinsohn leaves only 230 years in three parallel groups…
The Diminishing Angle of the Ecliptic
Two years ago, in 2016, my latest book appeared: "The Solar Year Cross (Das Jahrkreuz) Jolts and gaps in historical chronology." There were friendly and affirmative answers, hardly some harsh criticism, as if…
Gunnar Heinsohn: Letter to Heribert Illig
Gunnar Heinsohn’s letter to Heribert Illig for his 70th birthday Dear Heribert, On the happy occasion of your 70th birthday on September 7, 2017, I would like to say a few words about…
Labyrinths – Ritual to Overcome Trepidation
Inspired by a book by Hermann Kern 1. Trepidation By “trepidation” ancient astronomers understood a strange variation in the precession-cycle of the Earth, which at certain moments could unexpectedly increase and decrease. Greek…
Invented History
European history has been adultered and played with by the clergy for many centuries Uwe Topper ERFUNDENE GESCHICHTE Herbig (publisher), Munich, February 1999 Hardcover, 256 p, 28 fotos and various drawings (DM 39,90)…
Rock tracks or Cart Ruts – they remain enigmatic
This article will be adjusted to new discoveries every now and then Uwe Topper, Berlin ·Dec. 2016 Once again I am calling for attention to those archaeological monuments in order to solve the…
The Solar Year Cross
The Solar Year Cross (Das Jahrkreuz) Jolts and gaps in historical chronology ISBN 978-3-89180-154-3 with a foreword by Dr. Horst Friedrich Contents Introduction Chapter 1: The cross: All-Embracing Symbol of the Solar Year…
Good-bye to Chris Marx
Uwe Topper and colleagues, Berlin · June 2016 Christoph Marx on February 26th, 2007 in Berlin (Foto U.Topper) Christoph Marx died on May 18th, 2016, peacefully in his home in Basel at the…