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Swift and the Martian Moons
How did Jonathan Swift get knowledge of the two tiny moons some 150 years before they were discovered by the means of a telescope? Berlin · 2007 Uwe Topper The two minute moons…
Canary Islands, Forgotten for a Millennium?
The Canary Islands were well-known in Roman times. Why did they have to be rediscovered one thousand years later?
The “Compendium” of Antonius Lilius
The “Compendium” of Antonius Lilius: Blueprint for the Calender Reform of Pope Gregory XIII Our hypothesis of precession jolts, proposed by Ilya Topper and the author in 2004, brings a new solution to…
Lüling – an Orientalist against the Mainstream
Introduction into the writings of the theologian and philologist Günter Lüling, Erlangen Dr. Günter Lüling, one of the most erudite orientalists in Germany (see his biography) terms his own work as ‚liberal-theologian dogma-critical…
Runes and the Etruscian-Venetian Alphabet
A problem for chronology and for the theory of communication The fundamental proposition of the communication-theory says: It is impossible not to communicate. For each sender of an information there is a receiver.…
Fakes in Anatolia
James Stuart Mellaart and the Prehistory of Anatolia James Mellaart was still a young man when he came to Turkey and there married a Turkish lady. His main occupation was archaeology. Around the…
Megalithic Cairns and Stone Chambers in Germany
The „Hälden“ as the missing link between the Megalithic cultures of western and northwestern Europe, and Etruscan necropolises (note that for brevity sake not all figures were reproduced) New discoveries demand a reassessment…
The Beowulf Epic is a Fake!
The Beowulf is an old english manuscript, conserved in England and supposed to date back to the 8th century. But now it has been discovert as fake.
The Christian Origins of the Koran
Günter Lülings’ surprising theories 1. Written by one person? As we know, the Bible is not the product of one single person but is made up of a great variety of individual pieces…