Andreas Tschurilow

* Astana, 1962 † Bavaria, 2013
Lived in: Deggendorf
Andreas Tschurilow, born in Astana (Kazakhstan), was a Technical Engineer and lived in Deggendorf (Bavaria). In 2008 he researched the ruins of Pompeii and discovered astonishing facts, published in a detailed article on Revised Chronology (as yet only in German) under the heading Nicht der letzte Tag von Pompeji. Underneath the volcanic ashes he discovered a channel, documented as built around 1600 AD, and in a local museum he found an inscription dated at 1645, which mentions Pompeii as destroyed by the Vesuv eruption 14 years before, i.e. 1631. Tschurilow published these discoveries in English as a book: Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction (GRIN editor 2010). Andreas Tschurilow died in Bavaria on 22 October 2013.Publications
- 2009: Features of the Domenico Fontana’s Water Conduit (the Canal of Count Sarno) and the Date of Pompeii Destruction. GRIN Verlag
- 2010: Die Besonderheiten der Wasserleitung von Domenico Fontana (Sarnokanal) und das Datum des Untergangs von Pompeji. GRIN Verlag
- 2011: Nicht der letzte Tag von Pompeji. Moscow, Bookstream (in Russian).