Rainer Schmidt

* Gelsenkirchen, 1952
Lives in: Marl (Germany)
Graduate Pedagogue
Rainer Schmidt has studied Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy in Düsseldorf and Marburg (Germany). After working several years as education consultor for a charity in Hesse, he started a training course for computer programming and finally worked as commercial director of a software company. In 1993 he founded a support center for children and teenagers, which he directed during 25 years, until retiring in 2018.
After retirement, Schmidt delved anew into historical subjects, which he had sporadically researched since the late 1990s. In 2021 he published a critical and commented edition of Jean Hardouin’s Ad censuram scriptorum veterum prolegomena (1766), which he translated from the Latin original. He also has written about Isaac Newton’s chronological thesis and about Robert Baldauf. The website Revising Chronology has been modernised and upgraded thanks to his technological knowledge and programming experience.
Schmidt publishes sporadically “parerga and paralipomena” of his broad range of interests at his homepage occammeetspooh.de.
Selected publications
- 2021: Jean Hardouin: Prolegomena zu einer Kritik der antiken Schriften (translated from Latin by Rainer Schmidt, with introduction and comments), Norderstedt (304 pages, available at Google Books)
- 2021: Nachlese zu Robert Baldauf(PDF-Download at academia.edu)
- 2021: A Scathing Reckoning with Newton’s Revision of Chronology (PDF-Download)
- 2020: Zum Tod der hl. Edith Stein im KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau, in: Edith Stein Jahrbuch 2022, pp. 48-74
- 2022: Leo X. und die „Fabel von Christus“ – eine historische Spurensuche (PDF-Download at academia.edu)
- 2022: Edith Steins Tod im KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau – eine Spurensuche (PDF-Download at academia.edu)
- 2022: Revision der Chronologie im Zeitalter der Aufklärung. Newtons „Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms“ (1728) und Jean Hardouins Kritik, in: Archiv für Kulturgeschichte, Vol. 104 (2022), issue 2, pp. 345-380.
- 2023: Die zwei Naturen des Abtes Aubert (Zur Gründungslegende der Abtei Mont St. Michel) (PDF-Download at academia.edu)
- M wie μαγιστριανοΰ – Zur Übersetzung einer griechischen Inschrift für den Ummayaden-Kalifen Mu’awiya in Hammat Gader im 7. Jahrhundert(PDF-Download at academia.edu)