Uwe Topper

* Breslau, 1940
Lives in: Berlin
Artist and writer
Uwe Topper is an artist and author of a dozen books about art and history in German and Spanish. Some of them have been translated into Russian, Bulgarian and Hungarian (and recently even into Korean). He lives in Berlin/Germany as a self-subsistent artist, writes as a freelancer in several reviews of historical interest and delivers speeches in German, English and Spanish in some small circles interested in history.Uwe Topper never was called to academic honors nor awarded prizes. In certain circumstances he moved things by promoting scientific gatherings; some perpetuated and still function today in small groups. He is one of the founders of the website Revising Chronology and its main contributor.
Find a list of all his articles here.
For Topper’s writings on anthropological subjects see antropologo.
For Topper’s artwork (paintings, drawings and prints), produced under the artistic name uto, have a look at uto.
- 1977: Das Erbe der Giganten. Untergang und Rückkehr der Atlanter (Walter Verl. Olten and Freiburg) – introduction here
- 1986: Märchen der Berber (Diederichs, Cologne)
- 1988: Wiedergeburt. Das Wissen der Völker (Rowohlt. Reinbek bei Hamburg)
- 1988: Erdbefragung. Anleitung zur Geomantik (Knaur. Munich)
- 1988: Arte Rupestre en la Provincia de Cádiz (Diputación de Cádiz, Spain)
- 1991: Sufis und Heilige im Maghreb. Marokkanische Mystik (Diederichs, Cologne)
- 1993: Das letzte Buch. Die Bedeutung der Offenbarung des Johannes (Hugendubel, Munich)
- 1993: Cuentos populares de los Bereberes (Miraguano Ed., Madrid)
- 1998: Die “Große Aktion”. Europas erfundene Geschichte (Grabert, Tübingen) – the whole book in pdf
- 1999: Erfundene Geschichte. Unsere Zeitrechnung ist falsch (Herbig, Munich)
- 2001: Fälschungen der Geschichte. Von Persephone bis Newtons Zeitrechnung (Herbig, Munich)
- 2003: horra. Die ersten Europäer (Grabert, Tübingen) – summary in English here
- 2003: ZeitFälschung. Es begann mit der Renaissance (Herbig, Munich)
- 2006: KalenderSprung. Europas Religionswechsel um 1500. (Grabert, Tübingen)
- 2016: Das Jahrkreuz. Sprünge im Verlauf der Zeit (Grabert, Tübingen) – summary in English here
- 2022 Arte rupestre en la provincia de Cádiz (new and more complete edition, coulour prints) – summary in Spanish