Eudoxus’ Star Catalogue – how old is it really?
Introduction There is an ever so often reappearing puzzle of time shift when ancient astronomical dates are confronted to modern retrocalculations. Ancient dates are far to low, and modern calcualtions for the described…
Oswald Spengler’s Vision of the Chronological Evolution
A postscript by Uwe Topper, Berlin · 2010 Chronology ? “The greatest problem when researching pre-Columbus American cultures is their absolute chronology. Without a secure historical guide line as to velocity and duration…
Horst Friedrich, a pioneer of modern Diffusionism, has died
Our colleague Dr. Horst Friedrich has died On december 25th, 2015, our venerated colleague and friend, Dr. Horst Friedrich, died after a short period of illness, at the age of 84 years in…
Stratigraphy and Chronology of Ancient Jerusalem
Pertaining to his uninterrupted research in early history of the Near East and especially of ancient Mesopotamia laid out in his book „Die Sumerer gab es nicht“ (The Sumerians never existed, first edition:…
Calender reform and precession jolt
Abstract of the German article “Kalender und Präzessionssprung” by Ilya U. Topper, Madrid · 2009. This abstract has been written by Uwe Topper When Pope Gregor XIII intended to reform the calendar he…
Swift and the Martian Moons
How did Jonathan Swift get knowledge of the two tiny moons some 150 years before they were discovered by the means of a telescope? Berlin · 2007 Uwe Topper The two minute moons…
Lacunza and his influence
Catastrophism Theory around 1800 AD Lacunza was right in his lifetime a famous and suspected author, after his death in 1801 he slowly faded into oblivion and nowadays he is rather unknown. Some…
Heinsohn’s Letter to Milton Syzman
Pertaining to his uninterrupted research in early history of the Near East and especially of ancient Mesopotamia laid out in his book „Die Sumerer gab es nicht“ (The Sumerians never existed, first edition:…
The “Compendium” of Antonius Lilius
The “Compendium” of Antonius Lilius: Blueprint for the Calender Reform of Pope Gregory XIII Our hypothesis of precession jolts, proposed by Ilya Topper and the author in 2004, brings a new solution to…
Cataclysms are the Reason for our Wrong Chronology
Paper read at the international meeting of chronologists in Potsdam, Sept. 12th to 14th, 2008 The academic convention concerning historiography is not acceptable to reasonable thinking. Three main points are missing in the…