Revival of an ancient Maya calendar
Our previous article “History through the filter of the 19th century”, explains how certain peoples today concoct the history of their ancestors, supported by European academia: they remain ignorant of their real tradition,…
Easter Dates in an Inscription at Périgueux
Easter dates in an inscription in the old cathedral of Périgueux – who designed them and when ? In summer 2010 I visited the town of Périgueux in Western France in search of…
Calender reform and precession jolt
Abstract of the German article “Kalender und Präzessionssprung” by Ilya U. Topper, Madrid · 2009. This abstract has been written by Uwe Topper When Pope Gregor XIII intended to reform the calendar he…
The “Compendium” of Antonius Lilius
The “Compendium” of Antonius Lilius: Blueprint for the Calender Reform of Pope Gregory XIII Our hypothesis of precession jolts, proposed by Ilya Topper and the author in 2004, brings a new solution to…
The Calendar Nonsens
Review of the book by D. E. Duncan. The International Bestseller, "The Calendar", by David Ewing Duncan (London 1998)