The Diminishing Angle of the Ecliptic
Two years ago, in 2016, my latest book appeared: "The Solar Year Cross (Das Jahrkreuz) Jolts and gaps in historical chronology." There were friendly and affirmative answers, hardly some harsh criticism, as if…
Labyrinths – Ritual to Overcome Trepidation
Inspired by a book by Hermann Kern 1. Trepidation By “trepidation” ancient astronomers understood a strange variation in the precession-cycle of the Earth, which at certain moments could unexpectedly increase and decrease. Greek…
Rock tracks or Cart Ruts – they remain enigmatic
This article will be adjusted to new discoveries every now and then Uwe Topper, Berlin ·Dec. 2016 Once again I am calling for attention to those archaeological monuments in order to solve the…
The Solar Year Cross
The Solar Year Cross (Das Jahrkreuz) Jolts and gaps in historical chronology ISBN 978-3-89180-154-3 with a foreword by Dr. Horst Friedrich Contents Introduction Chapter 1: The cross: All-Embracing Symbol of the Solar Year…
The Start of our Reckoning the Years AD : 1501
The Start of our Reckoning the Years AD : 1501 Excerpt from the book by Uwe Topper, Das Jahrkreuz (2016, pp. 434 – 437), transl. by Nick Weech The annual year count- our…
Astronomical Dating of Proto-Historical Remains is Contradictory
Uwe Topper, Berlin · 2014 Whenever classical buildings or documents contain astronomical indications it is agreed to date their corresponding age reliably. There are mainly three ways to do so: Inclination of the…
We always see our history filtered through the 19th century
This claim should be analysed closely: WE – that is us who are born after, are separated from the Renaissance or Napoleon by many generations, having no real experience of those events. We…
Revival of an ancient Maya calendar
Our previous article “History through the filter of the 19th century”, explains how certain peoples today concoct the history of their ancestors, supported by European academia: they remain ignorant of their real tradition,…
Easter Dates in an Inscription at Périgueux
Easter dates in an inscription in the old cathedral of Périgueux – who designed them and when ? In summer 2010 I visited the town of Périgueux in Western France in search of…
Eudoxus’ Star Catalogue – how old is it really?
Introduction There is an ever so often reappearing puzzle of time shift when ancient astronomical dates are confronted to modern retrocalculations. Ancient dates are far to low, and modern calcualtions for the described…